Islamic Love Between Husband And Wife
Many Muslim husband or wife may right now breaking relationships and taking divorce and it is an awful outcomes, there are lots of ways to put their marriages back on the right track of success marriages. If husband and wife are solemn in their want to patch up then love may arise again in between them. Islamic love between husband and wife a very sacred relation like in other religions.
Islamic love for good parents
In Quran it is not emphasized more about respecting your children but there are lines about saying that you must respect your Parents. Parents are compared to Allah or God in every religion why, because parents gives us their life and make us what we are today. They do not think about them but all the time they only cares about your happiness. So why you should not respect your parents. Without them we can’t be in this world at this position where we are today.
But many children ill-treat their parents and make them suffer when they getting old. Everybody knows that like your parents one day you will also get old and then your children will do to same to you. Because they learnt from you how to treat your parents. There is no point in disobeying your mother and father.
Islamic love for good parents
Tell me one second what you understand of Parents ?
You must be thinking like they are my father and mother. Who gave me birth and educated me or teach me the way to live life. They offered you all the happiness that you deserved in life by forgetting about their happiness. Because they feel happy when you respect them. They stayed awaken but made you sleep well in difficult times. Now in this time when are old and cannot do anything by themselves you are thinking them as useless. How cruel is that. So stop embarrassing yourself and be a man like Allah advised to be.
Stop ill-treating your parents and start loving and obeying them and you will see the great change in your life. Your parents always prays to Allah for your success and happiness so you must have to pray to lord to make them happy. They do not want more except your love and obedience or respect. Start loving them like Allah said in Quran. In Islam, disobedience and ill-treatment of parents is one of the greatest sin. Not particularly in Islam but in all other religions also serving love to your parents is very sacred work.
Islamic love for gorgeous wife
Understand and respect your
If you are looking for a magical way to make your husband happy then you have to understand him. Then let him understand you like what you like most and what things you hate. In Islam husband – wife relationship is a very strong bond. And this bond is respected by everyone in Islam. They respect their wives and make them happy. This happiness may exists for a long time only after you fully understand your life partner.
- Express
What do you know of love that it should be expressed. Yeah, that’s true in Islam. If you love someone you have to tell that person that you cares about him or her. They are the only most valuable person in their life. Do not think like that they will understand your feelings without saying. If you love then express it. It will increase more and more with time. You will see that your partner is madly in love with you. You will start respect your parents again. Because they love you more than their life.
Islamic love for gorgeous wife
- Dress pleasantly
Dress beautifully is also sometimes makes love arise again. It attracts your partner to you. It also makes your soul peaceful and calm. Dress pleasantly is very important for each partner but mostly for wives they should dress well.
- Accept him
You have to accept your partner however, he looks whether he is fat or not that much smart you were expecting him to be. You to accept him as your husband and make him realize that you respect him full heartily. Sometime when you do get your partner, you treat him like he is nothing to you only because he is not that much smart or he is too fat. Please do not that because this way either you or he will not be happy and your relationship maybe no longer exists.
- Show them how much you love them
Sometime it is very necessary to show them how much you love them. It is not easy to let it gone and he will understand with time passes but you to make them know that you love them very much.
- Stay with him during hard time
You have to stay with your partner to make them realize that you care about their happiness all the time. You have to stay with your partner in during hard times. Hard times only realize true love to them. They need you in hard times most. This way your relation will reach to a new goal.
- Pray regularly to Allah
In Islam you have to take bath and pray to Allah daily for the safety of your family. Pray to Allah on daily basis makes your house full of love. Every family member will bond to each other with the rope of love. They will care more. They will start loving you or parents more. Because these prayers to Allah creates a milieu that is very peaceful and powerful.
Islamic love for nice husband
- Extolment Your husband in Public:
You must not allow anyone to trounce your husband in public. You have to interfere and fight for his honor in the exact he would do for you. It helps in building relationship bond more strong.
2 .Make dua to Allah:
These Dua will helps in making the family union more and more with time. These Dua are powerful when done in the presence of Allah. Make daily prayer to Allah to make your family happy and away from any troubles.
islamic love for nice husband
3.Cook him nice Food:
Husband will love if you cook something for him or his family like parents. A man always wants his wife to obey his parents by his wife. It helps in creating your relationship more strong. In Islam you have to respect your husband and cook food by your own for your family. They will respect you and your family also. They will love you more and take advice.
e before taking any important decisions.
4.Show appreciation
In Islam, it is advised to wives to appreciate their husbands. You must emphasis his work that was for you. It helps in filling holes in a relation. They expect appreciation from you about their work all the time more than anybody’s does. You know that a man works hard to full fill yours or children’s dream. They have some ego issues but they love when you appreciate them for their work.