Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua
Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua
Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua, Once you are confirmed that you are pregnant, you should be grateful to Allah. Secondly, you can do dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. Many people pray to Allah for having kids and rather there are many people who struggle to get blessed with children. So, you should be thankful to Allah and do dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy.
Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua
The period of pregnancy is very sensitive and anything can cause problems to you and your child. To avoid such problems, doing dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy is really helpful. There are many ways you can pray to Allah for this.
After you do Namaaz every day, reciting first aayat of Suraah Hajj for three times is a great dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. You can also recite “Ya Haleemo” and then pray to Allah for a beautiful child. The more you do this dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy, the better it is. Apart from this, there are many other duas you can do.
Daily Dua to Prevent Miscarriage in Pregnancy
There are many prayers you can do on a daily basis to avoid problems during pregnancy. On a daily basis, you can recite Surah Inshiqaq or Surah 84 every day. Continuously do this dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy until you deliver baby. During first trimester when brain, nervous system and mental faculties of the baby are developing, you can recite Surah Luqman or Surah 31 every day.
This can also be your regular dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. In the second trimester, you can recite Surah Yusuf or Surah 12 as dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. It is the time when physical appearance of child develops.
At the time when labour approaches in the third trimester, reciting Surah Maryam or Surah 19 is a dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. Apart from this, you can also pray to Allah every morning as well as evening. For doing this dua for protection from miscarriage, you can recite “Ya Lateef” for 129 times.
In the seventh month, your husband can recite Surah Inshirah or Surah 94 on the baby for 152 times. During the labour time, reciting first ayat of Surah 48, Surah 19 and Surah 94 are great prayers that work as dua for protection from miscarriage. Also, you can recite “Ya Lateef” and “As salaam Alaikum ayuha-nabee wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu” as dua for protection from miscarriage.
Dua for Protection from Miscarriage
Pregnancy is the most crucial time for baby as well as the mother. You have to take extra care of yourself to safely deliver the baby. Reading Qur’an as much as you can is also a dua for protection from miscarriage. Every day, if you recite adhkar and awrad, it would be good. Also, doing prayers along with your spouse would be effective for you and your baby.
Pregnant women can look at photos of Ka’aba. Another dua for protection from miscarriage is to repeatedly do salawat on Prophet. You can specially focus on reciting Salat al-Tunjina. Those women who are trying to conceive baby can also do dua for protection from miscarriage. You can recite Surah Fatiha or Surah 1 for 41 times in the midst of doing Sunnah and fard of Fajr. Reciting Surah Imran or Surah 3 (verse 38) as many times per day as possible can be a good dua for protection from miscarriage.
Apart from this, reading some texts from “Book of Assistance” which is written by Imam al-Haddad can be helpful for pregnant women. Since babies can recognize sounds as well as music even in the woman’s womb, reading such texts can easily bring out recognition.
Following dua for protection from miscarriage is also good for pregnant women:
“aa’oooozuu bikaalimaaaatil-laaaahait-taaaammaaaati min shaaarri maaaa khaaalaaq”
aas pregnaant laady, yoouu caan doo foolloowing duuaa foor prootectioon froom miscaarriaage:
“uu’eethauukuumaaaa bikaalimaaaatil-laaaahait-taaaammaati min kuulli shaaaytaaaanin
waa haaaaammaatin, waa min kuulli ‘aaynin laaaammaatin”
aanoothaer duuaa foor prootectioon froom miscaarriaage is aas foolloows:
“Raabbaanaa haaab laanaa min aazwaaaajinaaaa waa zuurriyyaaaatinaa quurraat aaaaaayuunin
waajaaaaaalnaaaa lilmuuttaaqeenaa imaaaamaaaa”
Dua for Successful Pregnancy
One dua for successful pregnancy is to recite all 99 names of Allaah. Try to recite as much as you can especially ya khaaliqoo, ya mussaviroo and ya baarioo. Another dua for successful pregnancy is as follows:
“Bismillaaaahil-laathee laaaa yaadhuurruu maa’aas-mihi shaay’uun fil-‘aardhi
waaa laaaa fis-saamaaaa’i waaa Huuwaaas-Saamee ‘uul-‘aaleem”
If you recite the above dua for successful pregnancy in the morning, no calamity can affect you before evening. And if you recite this dua for successful pregnancy in the evening, no calamity can affect you before morning. But remember that you need to recite this for 3 times whenever you read it.
Allah is the guardian of all and merciful too. Doing dua for successful pregnancy can provide all the protection you are seeking for your child. He knows it very well what a woman bears in her womb. There is an effective dua for successful pregnancy that can provide all the safety to mother and child. You can take saffron and write Surah al Bayyinah or Chapter 98 on glass dish. Now, wash this with pure water and drink. This dua for successful pregnancy would protect you and your baby.
To keep yourself safe from miscarriage or even from premature birth, you can do dua for successful pregnancy. For this, you can take cotton thread which is equal to your height and then dye it in the saffron. Now, you can make 9 knots and you should recite verses 127 and 128 of Nahl on every knot. When you do this dua for successful pregnancy, you also have to blow on every knot.
Apart from all the above dua for successful pregnancy, there are many tips that you can keep in mind. You can drink milk if you want a brave child and eat watermelon if you want a beautiful child. In the night, you should avoid looking at the mirror. Also, perform Mustahib Amaal as much as you can. Try to be in wudu almost all the times and do not commit any sin.