Getting Visa Dua

Getting Visa Dua

Getting Visa Dua

Dua For Getting Visa

Getting Visa Dua, Wazifa is an Arabic terminology which in English means ‘to employ’. It refers to the practice of reciting phrases and verses of Quran to seek a specific favour or reward. Wazifa is the repetition of words, clauses and sentences.

Getting Visa Dua

Getting Visa Dua

Getting Visa Dua

Although the verses in a Wazifa are taken from Islamic texts, the way they are used are not on the basis of Sunnah. The hypothesis behind a Wazifa is that reciting some phrases a particular number of time and days will grant desired specific rewards.

Wazifa is a repetition of sacred words and phrases like Quranic verses, the name of Allah for spiritual help, various personal and worldly requirements or needs of the person.

It is to read a particular Dua in a proper manner constantly for a specific time period. Essentially, the practice of each Wazifa is used for some particular reason. Different kinds of Wazifa have different qualities and can do for different purposes such as:-

  • For getting more success in life
  • To get or earn more money
  • To get a better life partner
  • To get a marriage proposal
  • For getting a visa to go other nation
  • To get inter caste and love marriage
  • To get success in job, etc.

There are umpteen cases when people desiring to move and settle abroad are faced with visa issues. Getting a visa is not a very simple task. Whether you are single or moving with your spouse, getting a visa is one of the most challenging issues.

Getting Visa Dua

Despite numerous efforts and struggle, you cannot coax the immigration department to clear your visa so easily. There are a variety of procedures which need to be taken and various rounds that need to be cleared. But you should not lose hope as Allah swt provides a solution with every problem. Every lock has a key.

If you are struggling hard to get a visa but do not see any sign of success, you need not worry any longer. Wazifa can be a rescue to your problem. By performing certain Wazifa, you can very easily get what you desire. What is impossible for you is possible for Allah swt.

The strongest weapon in the hands of every Muslim against every adversity is Dua (supplication). When you see all doors of hope and happiness closing down, you can always turn towards the door of Allah. Allah Almighty says in the holy Quran,

‘When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he calls on me.



If you have any issues/problems to get immigration visa in Islam or any other problems related to immigration visa. You can perform the below mentioned Wazifa:


Getting Visa Dua

Recite Bismillah Shareef and Darood Sharif once in the start of every Wazifa whether it is mentioned or not. After each of the 5 obligatory prayers, recite 7 times Surah Al Quraish Sharif.

Lieelafi qurayshin Eelafihim rihlata alshshitai waalssayfi FalyaAAbudoo rabba hatha albayti Allazee at amahum min joo’in waamanahum min khawf

Make a dua to ALLAH Azzawajal for your visa problem. Insha ALLAH this will be resolved soon.

  • Important Note: Females must not perform this Wazifa during the 7 days of their menses.



Many a times, such conditions arise when you are unable to get a visa clearance for your spouse. Even after rounds and rounds of interviews, visa is not obtained. But you should not lose hope even at difficult times.

Getting Visa Dua

At the time of any serious need, Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) taught us to perform salatul hajah (salah for need)

The procedure is to perform two rakaats nafl salah and after salah recite the following dua:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مُوجِبَاتِ رَحْمَتِكَ وَعَزَائِمَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ وَالْغَنِيمَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ بِرٍّ وَالسَّلامَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ إِثْمٍ أَسْأَلُكَ أَلا تَدَعَ لِي ذَنْبًا إِلا غَفَرْتَهُ وَلا هَمًّا إِلا فَرَّجْتَهُ وَلا حَاجَةً هِيَ لَكَ رِضًا إِلا قَضَيْتَهَا لِي

Transliteration: Allahumma inni as`aluka mujibati rahmatika wa `azaima magfiratika wal ganima min kulli birrin wa ssalam kulli ismin as`aluka alla tada` li zanban illa gafartahu wa lahuma illa farrajtahu wa la haja illa hiya laka ridan illa qadaitaha li

In Sha Allah by following the Sunnah, all you problems will get resolved.



Sometimes out of jealousy, people who cannot bear achievements of others accomplish black magic/ Bandish/ Jadu about folks, youngsters, business, proposals of woman’s marriages, getti9ng visa clearance, etc.

If you are facing these difficulties, raise for support of Allah, the Almighty with this Wazifa. In sha Allah you’re going to get rid of those people problems. This Wazifa is extremely effective for breaking each kind of closure/ bandish/ Jadu.

Getting Visa Dua

What you will need to try and do is to recite the following after Fajar prayer:

  • Darood Sharif (11 times)
  • Surah Muzammil (1 time)
  • Surah Kafiroon (11 times)
  • Surah Ikhlas (11 times)
  • Surah Falaq (11 times)
  • Surah Wannas (11 times)
  • Ayat-al-Kursi (11 times)
  • Darood Sharif (11 times)

Once reading all together with blow on many water and claim the suffering person, woman, or boy to drink several of water and get away from some water.

Then wash hands and wrists and face with all of remaining water. Continue this for eleven days. INSHA ALLAH AZZAWAJAL any time 11 days all problem/ bandish/ magic/ Jadu are usually removed.

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi Ji

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi, Marriage, in spite of being an institution which brings two individuals to live together with a life time commitment has its own challenges. And sometimes it is quite difficult to continue the relationship. Some of the common problems are poor boundaries which means sometimes verbal arguments are towered to physical assault, selfishness which means unfair distribution of work and responsibilities, unfair judgement sometimes we are looking for a change in the thinking of our spouse.

explosive outburst of anger and rages, sometimes the relation lacks emotional intimacy, non-fulfillment of sexual needs and lost affection is also a common cause for marriage problem, living at your own choice, when it becomes difficult to carry on a communication and finally dishonesty which is one of the major reason for problem in married life.

It’s not that these problems cannot be solved, provided there is willingness to do so. It could be solved by counseling, mutual discussion and there are many other ways to solve this problem. But if one has tried all the available options to solve the marriage problem and not able to get a solution in that case also you don’t have to worry there are specialists like Molviji, who have potential to solve any love related problems.

Molviji is a marriage or love specialist who has solution to all the problems like husband wife love problem, husband wife relationship problem and husband wife marriage life problem. His knowledge and expertise in solving these problems will help you to get out of any relationship problem.

Molviji has many techniques for solving husband wife love problem like vashikaran, dua, wazifa or even he used black magic to get rid of your relationship problems. He says that the problem in the relationship starts with fighting on small things which later on becomes robust. In order to overcome these problems he suggests wazifaDarood-e-Taj” sharif.

Either of the husband or wife can do this, one has to sit on namaz musallah facing Qiblah sharif before sunrise keeping some sugar before them. Now at first they have to recite Darood-e-Ibrahim for 7 times then Darood-e-Taj 22 times then repeat the Darood-e-Ibrahim 7 more times again with an intention to increase love in their relationship.

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi

Once you are done with this blow the sugar and use it while having tea or other food items. It is required to do this for a week on the sugar and use the sugar. It will show great results and will allow sprouting love in your relationship provided you respect the Holy sugar.

In order to make the husband wife relationship strong and pleasurable Molviji has certain wazifa which if used in suggested way will allow them to increase love among them. Molviiji says put two almonds in your mouth after Esha Salah but remember one almond should be on your tongue and another one is under your tongue. Now imagine your husband and read Darood/Salavat for 11 times then read the Ayat no. 39 from Quran chap 16, Surah Taha for 500 times, Ayat is mentioned below for your reference.

“Wa alkaito alika muhabba tan minni va le tus Na aa alainee”.

Read the Ayat for 100 times and take out the almond and blow the Ayat of it. Remember do not clean the almond. Now put the Almond back in your mouth and start reading the Ayat again. On completion of every 100 you have to blow the Ayat on the almond without cleaning it. This means you have to repeat this activity for 5 times. When you are done with doing this 5 times now put the almonds in a clean paper without cleaning them. This Wazifa has to be done for 5 days only.

Husband Wife Problem Solution Molvi

Remember do not remove the saliva or clean the almond. After 5 days make sure your husband eats the almonds. But remember the almonds should not be put in a hot thing or keep them away from fire. It is advisable to put the almonds in a cold dish or sweets. This allows your husband to fall in love with you instantly.

Molviji says if this wazifa does not work then you are suffering from some black magic. And it is very important to know the above wazifa can be used by women only.

Further Molvji has suggested the below dua as solution to all married life problems:-


Remember *Bin-te is used for female whereas ibn is used for male

Molvihi says this dua can do wonders if darood sharif is read before and after this dua. It is very important that you perform Wudu before starting this dua. Without making Wudu there is possibility that this dua will not give you the desired result.

Molviji says before losing the hope and trying the above dua or wazifa it is good to make a list of all the issues that are harming the married life. Both husband and wife put their focus on the issues which are resulting from their end. They should try to cut the crap at their end. They have to assure each other that they are concerned of their relationship.

All the decisions should be taken by mutual understanding. Try to infuse positive vibes in their relationship. And at last look back at the successful marriage examples of their parents and get their advice to resolve the issues. And still if things are not working Molviji is there to help.

Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage In Islam

Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage In Islam

Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage In Islam

how to make parents agree for love marriage in Islam

how to make parents agree for love marriage in Islam, As we all are aware and believe marriages are made in paradise however there are likewise couples who take their marriage in their own hands and choose their own particular accomplices. Love marriage instead of arranges marriage is a fervently theme particularly in the Indian society where a large part of the couples lean toward orchestrated relational unions.

However there are sure favorable circumstances and burdens of adoration marriage. Since love marriage is a marriage of decision, it can keep going far longer the length of the power of profound devotion between the couple. However there has been various case of fizzled love marriage furthermore those which have kept going long. In some religion is it very difficult situation i.e. how to make Parents Agree for Love Marriage in Islam, because the religion has certain limits in its own, we will explain you further in details about it.

For the people who lean toward love marriage there are many favorable circumstances, one of them being the opportunity of decision in picking one’s accomplice? The person is additionally in charge of the outcomes great or awful that an adoration marriage can have. In love marriage, the accomplices know every better and acknowledge each other independent there inadequacies or unfortunate propensities. What’s more, when one knows one’s accomplice better one can bargain better with any future clash.

In love marriage there is no impulse in adoration; couples don’t love each for cherishing it originates from their real love for each other. There is impeccable holding of the souls in a love marriage and thus the mystery of their soundness.

Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage In Islam

Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage In Islam

Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage In Islam

At the point when the accomplices are in immaculate concordance the day by day errands seem like nothing and one can without much of a stretch overcome conjugal troubles with each others help. Nonetheless if an adoration marriage is shallow and depend just on physical allure, the odds of it enduring are exceptionally poor. Love marriages likewise help in crossing over the crevices of station, statement of faith and religion and this is particularly critical in India.

The people who contradict love marriage refer to various reasons and surmise that marriage of these sorts doesn’t keep going long. For some couples there is no family bolster and even their relatives don’t favor of their marriage. They scan for way to convince parents for love marriage in different cast. The greatest drawback of love marriage is that the odds of separation are far more prominent because of the opportunity which every accomplice enjoys.

In the Indian connection an adoration marriage is verging on like disrespect to the family and the kid or the young woman live like outcasts. However cutting edge Indian families do favor of their kids’ love marriage as circumstances are different. At last what is important is the person holding between the accomplices and these aids in making the connections last more.

In religions like Islam, it is entirely precluded. Islam shows us to be honest and practical. For the most part, we cherish for Allah and we abhor for Allah. Islam shows us that a male and female can develop a decent relationship established on marriage. In Islam, it is not a transgression if you feel an uncommon proclivity or slant towards someone in particular since people have no control on such normal slant. We are, in any case, unquestionably mindful and responsible in the event that we escape by such emotions and make particular activities or strides that may be esteemed as haram (forbidden).

As far as male and female cooperation is concerned, Islam manages strict guidelines: It denies all types of “dating” and segregating oneself with a person from the inverse sex, too aimless blending and blending. Be that as it may, what is not reasonable is having any kind of illegal relationship. Since men and women are not permitted to purposely take a gander at each other, if an inadvertent look results in some friendship or feeling inside any one, it would not be haraam. The nearness of such a feeling in your heart ought not however lead you to confer acts which are illegal.

The best way to convey such love to realization is to wed the other individual, and the best possible approach to do that is to look for the authorization of guardians or senior watchmen.

Assuming, in spite of, one does nothing from what was just mentioned, and all that he or she needs is to genuinely consider wedding somebody, a wonder such as this itself is not considered haram. Truth is told, Islam urges us to wed persons for whom we have unique emotions and liking. Along these lines, Islam prescribes that potential marriage accomplices see each other before proposing marriage.

In any case, one should likewise understand this is occurring and hence if a couple is seeing someone should either get hitched instantly and spare themselves from wrongdoing or separate. If the father/mother knows then they ought to guarantee that there is an effective result and if there is similarity between the couple, they ought to attempt and guarantee that the marriage happens at the earliest opportunity.

Simple reasons, such as, they are from a lower cast and so on are not worthy. In any case, real reasons, such as, religion must be taken into record.

There are loads of sites having data for love marriage, other than our expert will give you some mantra to convince parents for love marriage. Presently a day this issue is regular, so this is the certain mantra, however it is essential to done this procedure with the correct way to learn how to make parents except love marriage. At some point you feel depleted in light of the fact that reasoning about your love wedding.

In the event that you need to convince parents for love marriage then no compelling reason to take pressure. Our authority gives the most fabulous Vashikaran resolutions to persuade the guardians. This kind of mantra is an unfathomably strong and important to convince guardians for love marriage since it is extremely basic and direct to use for your whole life.

With the assistance of these manta, you can be capable unravel each minor or significant issue coming in the way of your adoration marriage and so can get hitched with the one with you truly needs to be. All the general population who has been used these totke where get hitched to the person of their own decision and now are living joyfully with the adoration for their life.

Kamyabi Ki Dua

Kamyabi Ki Dua is a very useful Islamic dua that offered by our astrologers, especially Molvi Ji offers his service in order to serve the community of humans to solve their life’s problems. An Islamic Dua has been taken from the Holy Scriptures of Islam, such as hadees or Quran. These Duas are easily approachable to the assigned task. While everybody wants to attain Kamyabi in his or her Life so he or she works very hard to gain that status and people either hard work or use our service to gain the power to get success in the life. . Every person dreams to create a great destiny in professional life and become a successful in attaining the status in life. Follow the Muslim rules for achieving the kamyabi with the use of Dua.

Kamyabi Ki Dua

Kamyabi Ki Dua

  1. Stop eating Haram means do not take bribes and spend your life in simplicity.
  2. Stop lying and you will see the pace of positivity in your life that will help you in gaining the success or Kamyabi.
  3. Pray five times and every single time recite the Kamyabi Ki dua so you can make strong your desire that will be fulfilled by Allah.

Molvi Ji is a Muslim astrologer who learned some techniques to control over supernatural powers and attains the enormous knowledge of performing the Islamic Dua. In the material life, everything can be achieved with the help of astrology, but people have doubts on the methods. Islamic Dua for Kamyabi in business or in life is a Muslim way to dissolve your life’s troubles that makes hurdles in achieving your desired things disappear. Where there are negativity presents there cannot be chance of attaining success or positive response. An Islamic Dua for kamyabi in life helps a person in accomplishing the success by fulfilling the dreams and create his or her life smooth to handle without facing any negative outcomes.

 Imtihan Mein Kamyabi Ki Dua

 There are various Islamic dua for different purpose, such as this Dua is useful in attaining success or Kamyabi in Imtihan. Surah Anfal is the best Dua for the success in the Imtihan, while students are afraid of the failure in the examinations and they commit suicide. Now you do not need to do anything stupid and except running from the consequences you can use this service to get Kamyabi in the Imtihan using Islamic Dua. Many Islamic tricks will enhance the chances to get success in the examinations.

  1. Listen carefully and obey your parents, they should be respected overtime to be a good person full of blessing of parents that will increase the chances of Kamyabi in the Imtihan.
  2. Respect your teachers and guardians to attain their blessing because these will make your committed sins less powerful and you will attain the success in the exams.
  3. Islamic Dua should be done with full faith, at a sacred place, and with pure intentions.
  4. During your Dua keep all your focus on the task and stop thinking negatively about the outcomes.

 Mohabbat Mein Kamyabi Ki Dua

 As you know that in Islam people respects for the true Mohabbat and some of the Muslim do not accept the marriage proposal for the love marriage. In that situation, our astrologer Molvi Ji is going to solve this problem now, when you recite the Islamic Dua you makes your soul more pure and create a connection with the Allah, who will listen to your Duas and in return will offer you a desired Love. This Dua can also be used for the improvement in your spiritual status and love or Mohabbat is the purest feeling of one’s heart that generates for another person while we see him or her.


Mohabbat Mein kamyabi Ki Dua is a service provided by Molvi Ji to help those lovers who are having problems in their love life. Mohabbat happens with a person we feel attracted and trust to give our life’s wheel in the hand of that person. Such Islamic Duas are pious and effective, but you can get these Duas with our astrologer online. Molvi Ji made, it is easy to distribute the Islamic Dua among people who do Mohabbat to a person and wanted to marry.

Interview Mein Kamyabi Ki Dua

 Molvi Ji offers many Duas to gain the Kamyabi but this Dua is different and use for those people who afraid of the outcomes of the Interview that will be the reason of your success in professional life. Interviewers want to observe in you that intimate that can crack the difficult problems and find out answers for any problems.

When you use this Islamic astrology, service to recite the Dua for the kamyabi in the Interview you will get success because these Dua enhance the confidence in your and you gives your 100% during the interview.

Dua for Marriage to the One I Love

Dua for marriage to the one you love is an Islamic service that provided by astrologer Molvi Ji. Our astrologers are expert in providing the solution for any kind of material problem such as delay in marrying or love marriage problem. In Islam, while candidates visit the Molvi Ji to solve the marriage related problems. Dua for marriage includes many other Islamic dua that brings the desire goal come true. This Dua for marriage to the one you love should be start making a Woodoo after reciting the Salat. Darood e Pak Dua is the best way to solve the tragic situations from your marriage.

Dua for Marriage to the One I Love

Dua for Marriage to the One I Love

Dua for marriage to the one I love service is beneficial and fully based on Islamic dua and Wazifa that are described as very pious methods to invoke the Allah’s mercy. If a Muslim brother or sister is under the shelter of Allah, nothing can harm him or her. Muslims are advised to recite the Dua of Darood at least for 7 times daily after the purification process of this human body. This Islamic Dua method will solve the obstacles permanently  from love marriage problems and you should be free from fear of losing the loved one, you wanted to marry.

Dua for Marriage to a Particular Person

Dua to marriage to a particular person is Islamic method that will help a candidate in marry to a specific or particular person. It is hard to marry with a particular person in Islam or any other religion because of family problems or your astrology problems in your birth chart.  People are afraid to love because of dreadful consequences and miserable life after not marrying with a particular person. To solve this problem, you can contact with an expert in Muslim Dua and someone who cares about the success of love marriages.

Our astrologers are famous because of their service of Dua for marriage to a particular person. If a person recites Dua daily and use this service of Islamic Dua for marriage to a particular person, he or she will observe that marriage issues will seem like disappearing and their relationship is becoming stronger.  The most important act is the recitation of the Dua and the other thing that matter is how many times you recite these Dua. There are fixed benefits of reciting of Islamic Dua, but it depends on the number of recitations of the Dua for marriage. Like if you want to marry with a specific person you need to have faith in these techniques and recite Darood e Pak Dua for 7 times daily.

Dua for Marriage to Someone Specific

 Dua to marrying to someone specific will bring you the desired girl or boy as your life partner and this can be done with the use of our astrologer’s service. Molvi Ji has been serving the community and giving direction to those couples who lost in the difficult path of love marriage. In love marriage, it happens all the time that you wanted to marry with a specific person, but material problems created the way very hard and you dropped the dream of marrying to someone specific.

There are many Problems occurs when a person tries to marry with a specific person.

  1. Couples’ Parents show the disapproval of marriage with someone specific is the main trouble, but a candidate can bring the positive result now by following the Islamic ways to marry with specific person.
  2. Inter caste marriage problems also occur when you want to marry with someone specific and you can avoid it with the use of these Islamic Duas. 

Dua for Marriage to the Person You Love

 A normal person, who loves a person and wants to marry with him or her, faces problem in getting marriage to the person you love. Marriage to the person you love is a dream of every loving couple and people have stargazed of getting marriage with that person otherwise they accept the marriage proposal with a stranger, according to their parents’ choice. Marrying to the person you, love with the help of Dua can get rid of the obstacles from the way of getting married.

  1. Recite Darood Shareef three times and after that you need to change your daily routine according to your desires, because the results depend on your mentality so you should engage yourself in marrying with that person.
  2. After recitation of Darood, you have to recite Surah Fateha, this Dua will be recited for three times and cleaning is necessary step before every Dua.

However, these Duas will help you in getting married to the person you love, but you can contact for more help with our astrologers.