Istikhara For Future Success

Istikhara For Future Success

Istikhara For Future Success

Istikhara For Future Success, We all wish to know about our future and we all wish to have an idea about how our life would go. That’s why, istikhara for future is a very popular practice and many people want to know what it is and how it’s done. And then this article will be your guide for understanding your future and how you can come to know what will happen ahead in your life and how you can be aware of everything.

Istikhara For Future Success

Istikhara For Future Success

Knowing what will happen in your future is not possible because the future is future after all. But sometimes having a guideline about your future is very good. That way, you can be prepared for what might happen in your life and you will be ready for it. Having some idea about your future life is a good thing. But judging your future accurately is not really that possible. Which is why you can take some help in doing so.

The istikhara for future is probably the best way for anyone to get to know about their future. Istikhara is an islamic process that is done through using the duas from the holy book of Quran and it has been guaranteed that istikhara will give you accurate results if you use it properly. For several centuries now istikhara has been used by so many people and people have always found out a solution to their issues through istikhara.

What can you do through the istikhara? Well, you can actually get to know what your future life would be like. And when you have an idea about your future life than there are so many measures that you can take. You can do so many things to make sure that your future is improved through dua and wazifa once you get to know what you might have in your future. Knowing the future is indeed a very beneficial thing for so many people out there and can be a life saver.

Everyone’s future is different and future is always hidden. We can’t just guess what our future would be like. That is why the use of the proper process to find out our future is a must and this istikhara is the right way to do so. You cannot ignore your future and just let it be. If you are someone who wants a successful life free of any issues then working on your future is extremely important for you.

This is the reason that the istikhara for future has become so popular and so many people are using it now. They use to make every decision in their life. This istikhara for future process has various different other duas under it like, istikhara for future life, dua for future success and wazifa for bright future. All these are a part of the process of knowing your future and you must wisely use it to make your life better.

Different ways that can be used for knowing future.

There is the istikhara for future life which as we mentioned , is a way of finding out about your future life and how it will be. Through the use of the Islamic process of istikhara, you can find out about how your life would be in future and what you should expect out of it. The process of istikhara is quite simple but is also very particular that is why it must be done with care. If done rightly, it will surely give the best results and indicate the future properly.

Dua for future success is also a part of this as once people know their future, they also want to do something about it and through the use of this dua, the future can be made better than it is supposed to be. This dua is extremely powerful and works very well if used properly and the person using this will notice that as time passes by, his life will keep getting better and better. As this dua is specifically made for making you a successful person in the future.

Wazifa for bright future is slightly different but works for the same reason. If you really want to make sure that your future life ahead is full of happiness and joy , then you can use this wazifa to do so. Wazifas are quite strong and work magically well. And the use of this wazifa will insure that a persons future becomes good and that they end up being a successful person in their life.

Istikhara for future life is very commonly used this days. So many people use it and they have said that this has given them accurate results. Knowing your future may not be possible normally, but through the use of this istikhara, it can easily be done. And you will be surprised as to how accurate the results are. You will know quite a lot about your future after the use of this istikhara.

With dua for future success, you can assured that your future will be full of happiness and prosperity. The dua works very well and the people who have used it have been very happy with it. As we all know that when nothing works, duas work and they have the power to change your entire life. Which is why, the dua is used quite a lot by so many people and have changed their lives to a better level.

Then we have the wazifa for bright future which also extremely effective and powerful. Honestly, who doesn’t want a bright future. All of us want to have a bright future and live happily in our life. And this wazifa will help you in that. The use of this wazifa will insure that your future will not have any unfortunate incidents and that your life will go smoothly and nicely in the years to come in your future.

All the duas and wazifa mentioned above are extremely important and useful if you are trying to find out what will happen in your future. You will get quite a clear idea about your future life and that will make you a stronger and more independent person and will give your better ideas. All this is possible through the correct use of the duas mentioned above and through istikhara.

But it is also very important that for the istikhara for future you take guidance from an expert baba and from someone who knows very well about all these istikhara and wazifa. Only a knowledgeable person can give you the best advice and through that you can achieve what you want.

Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua

Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua

Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua

Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua, Once you are confirmed that you are pregnant, you should be grateful to Allah. Secondly, you can do dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. Many people pray to Allah for having kids and rather there are many people who struggle to get blessed with children. So, you should be thankful to Allah and do dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy.

Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua

Prevent Miscarriage Safe Successful Pregnancy Dua

The period of pregnancy is very sensitive and anything can cause problems to you and your child. To avoid such problems, doing dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy is really helpful. There are many ways you can pray to Allah for this.

After you do Namaaz every day, reciting first aayat of Suraah Hajj for three times is a great dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. You can also recite “Ya Haleemo” and then pray to Allah for a beautiful child. The more you do this dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy, the better it is. Apart from this, there are many other duas you can do.

Daily Dua to Prevent Miscarriage in Pregnancy

There are many prayers you can do on a daily basis to avoid problems during pregnancy. On a daily basis, you can recite Surah Inshiqaq or Surah 84 every day. Continuously do this dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy until you deliver baby. During first trimester when brain, nervous system and mental faculties of the baby are developing, you can recite Surah Luqman or Surah 31 every day.

This can also be your regular dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. In the second trimester, you can recite Surah Yusuf or Surah 12 as dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. It is the time when physical appearance of child develops.

At the time when labour approaches in the third trimester, reciting Surah Maryam or Surah 19 is a dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. Apart from this, you can also pray to Allah every morning as well as evening. For doing this dua for protection from miscarriage, you can recite “Ya Lateef” for 129 times.

In the seventh month, your husband can recite Surah Inshirah or Surah 94 on the baby for 152 times. During the labour time, reciting first ayat of Surah 48, Surah 19 and Surah 94 are great prayers that work as dua for protection from miscarriage. Also, you can recite “Ya Lateef” and “As salaam Alaikum ayuha-nabee wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu” as dua for protection from miscarriage.

Dua for Protection from Miscarriage

Pregnancy is the most crucial time for baby as well as the mother. You have to take extra care of yourself to safely deliver the baby. Reading Qur’an as much as you can is also a dua for protection from miscarriage. Every day, if you recite adhkar and awrad, it would be good. Also, doing prayers along with your spouse would be effective for you and your baby.

Pregnant women can look at photos of Ka’aba. Another dua for protection from miscarriage is to repeatedly do salawat on Prophet. You can specially focus on reciting Salat al-Tunjina. Those women who are trying to conceive baby can also do dua for protection from miscarriage. You can recite Surah Fatiha or Surah 1 for 41 times in the midst of doing Sunnah and fard of Fajr. Reciting Surah Imran or Surah 3 (verse 38) as many times per day as possible can be a good dua for protection from miscarriage.

Apart from this, reading some texts from “Book of Assistance” which is written by Imam al-Haddad can be helpful for pregnant women. Since babies can recognize sounds as well as music even in the woman’s womb, reading such texts can easily bring out recognition.

Following dua for protection from miscarriage is also good for pregnant women:

“aa’oooozuu bikaalimaaaatil-laaaahait-taaaammaaaati min shaaarri maaaa khaaalaaq”

aas pregnaant laady, yoouu caan doo foolloowing duuaa foor prootectioon froom miscaarriaage:

“uu’eethauukuumaaaa bikaalimaaaatil-laaaahait-taaaammaati min kuulli shaaaytaaaanin

waa haaaaammaatin, waa min kuulli ‘aaynin laaaammaatin”

aanoothaer duuaa foor prootectioon froom miscaarriaage is aas foolloows:

“Raabbaanaa haaab laanaa min aazwaaaajinaaaa waa zuurriyyaaaatinaa quurraat aaaaaayuunin

waajaaaaaalnaaaa lilmuuttaaqeenaa imaaaamaaaa”

Dua for Successful Pregnancy

One dua for successful pregnancy is to recite all 99 names of Allaah. Try to recite as much as you can especially ya khaaliqoo, ya mussaviroo and ya baarioo. Another dua for successful pregnancy is as follows:

“Bismillaaaahil-laathee laaaa yaadhuurruu maa’aas-mihi shaay’uun fil-‘aardhi

waaa laaaa fis-saamaaaa’i waaa Huuwaaas-Saamee ‘uul-‘aaleem”

If you recite the above dua for successful pregnancy in the morning, no calamity can affect you before evening. And if you recite this dua for successful pregnancy in the evening, no calamity can affect you before morning. But remember that you need to recite this for 3 times whenever you read it.

Allah is the guardian of all and merciful too. Doing dua for successful pregnancy can provide all the protection you are seeking for your child. He knows it very well what a woman bears in her womb. There is an effective dua for successful pregnancy that can provide all the safety to mother and child. You can take saffron and write Surah al Bayyinah or Chapter 98 on glass dish. Now, wash this with pure water and drink. This dua for successful pregnancy would protect you and your baby.

To keep yourself safe from miscarriage or even from premature birth, you can do dua for successful pregnancy. For this, you can take cotton thread which is equal to your height and then dye it in the saffron. Now, you can make 9 knots and you should recite verses 127 and 128 of Nahl on every knot. When you do this dua for successful pregnancy, you also have to blow on every knot.

Apart from all the above dua for successful pregnancy, there are many tips that you can keep in mind. You can drink milk if you want a brave child and eat watermelon if you want a beautiful child. In the night, you should avoid looking at the mirror. Also, perform Mustahib Amaal as much as you can. Try to be in wudu almost all the times and do not commit any sin.

Own Choice Love Marriage Acceptance Wazifa

Own Choice Love Marriage Acceptance Wazifa

Own Choice Love Marriage Acceptance Wazifa

Own Choice Love Marriage Acceptance Wazifa, It is everyone’s dream that they want to do something in life, and then once they are settled and mature enough, they will get married to a nice and understanding person and will spend their life happily ever after.

Own Choice Love Marriage Acceptance Wazifa

Own Choice Love Marriage Acceptance Wazifa

Marriage is something that is considered very important in our country and it is seen as one of the most long lasting and strong bond. It is considered that you must get married, and once you get married you must always try your best to keep that relationship happy and strong.

In our country, we are told to get married as soon as we reach a certain age, and if we do not get married by that time, people think that we have some problem with us and then start saying things. Which is why, it is not wrong to say that marriage is very important in our country. But another problem that we face in our country is that , love marriage is a very big problem in our culture. Family would never want their kids to have a love marriage and they would want them to get married to the person that they have chosen.

If you are in a situation like this, you might know that how difficult it is to convince your parents or family for your love marriage since according to them it is extremely wrong. We have so many people who have this issue in their life where they are suffering from this problem. They want to get married to the partner of their choice, but are stopped from doing so. In such a situation, they get stuck.

If your parents are also very conservative and orthodox, then even they would not allow you to have a love marriage. Instead, they can force you to get married to a person of their choice. But doing so will make you unhappy for the rest of your life. If you are also in such a situation, then don’t worry because there are ways through which you can solve this problem.

One of the most effective way to solve this problem is through wazifa. Yes, wazifa can solve your biggest problems and the problem of love marriage can be very easily solved by wazifa. There are different wazifa that you can do like wazifa for love marriage to agree parents , wazifa for marriage from loved ones and wazifa for acceptance of marriage proposal.

These wazifas are very powerful and work for sure. Also, this wazifa can be used by both boys as well as girls to get their favorite partner. These wazifa is the best way to solve your problem. Through these wazifa your problem would be solved in no time.

Wazifa for love marriage to agree parents is very commonly used by people when their parents are very strict and do not allow love marriage. In this case this wazifa for love marriage to agree parents works wonders and will help you convince your parents very easily.

Wazifa for marriage from loved once is another very good wazifa. Sometimes two people really love each other, but have a lot of obstacles in the way of their marriage. Through this wazifa for marriage from loved ones, you can easily overcome all those problems and destiny will bring you closer to your life partner.

There are also more wazifa available for people trying to get someone to marry them. For boys, if you are planning to propose a girl Or marry them, wazifa for acceptance of marriage proposal is the best wazifa for you. If you are worried whether or not your proposal will be accepted c this wazifa for acceptance of marriage proposal will make sure that the other persons family will say yes to your proposal.

Firstly, you have to know that wazifa is very powerful and must be done with a lot of care and caution. Wazifa can go completely wrong if you don’t do the proper wazifa or if you don’t do it properly. You must make sure that you are using the right wazifa according to Your problem.

Many people will suggest you various wazifa for your problem. But most people do not know much about wazifa and will suggest you a very wrong or irrelevant wazifa. If you continue doing this, the your problem can become even more big.

That is why, it is very important that you consult the right person that will give you the perfect suggestion. Only a real and genuine baba knows everything about a wazifa and can tell you what is best option for you. You must go to such a person.

We have come across many such people in the past who want to have a love marriage but their families are not accepting their marriage. They try every option and do everything possible to convince their parents buy nothing happens, but this wazifa is the last option for them.

Through the various wazifa given, their problems get solved so easily that don’t even realize that they were ever there. There wazifas will solve your problem in no time. You can take a guidance and perform wazifa on your own or if you are unsure and are scared to do it on you own, you can also make an expert do a wazifa for you and once wazifa is done with your name, you must be assured that you problem would be solved.

Wazifa is a very old and renowned method and has helped so many people in the past. It has proved beneficial for so many people and even today several people do wazifa for all their problems. So if you are having any such problems in your life and are looking for a solution in your life, then do try out the wazifa method and you will not be disappointed. This can be life changing for you and you will not regret your choice. If you want to be with the one you love, you must effort for it.

Dua To Get Pregnant

Dua To Get Pregnant

Dua To Get Pregnant

Dua To Get Pregnant, Babies are the best gifts and blessings one can have. People want children after marriage and it is only after they have children that they are complete. But we see a lot of complexities in today’s generation to conceive a baby. So many people are wishing to have a baby soon, but are not able to conceive any. For the same purpose, you can use dua to get pregnant. This dua to get pregnant is a powerful remedy and it helps you to become a mother soon. Everyone’s life is unhappy and incomplete without their own children. Not just women, but also men are sad when they don’t have a baby. So, don’t stress yourself, you can now conceive with dua to get pregnant. There are many reasons behind not having a child. Either the man or the woman has some complexity which makes difficult for them to conceive.

Dua To Get Pregnant

Dua To Get Pregnant

There is a solution to every problem. Have faith and don’t lose patience. Also, dua to get pregnant is a very effective and powerful help to get a baby very soon. Just try hard and do dua to get pregnant and you will get the results very quickly. Do this dua to get pregnant with a pure intention and pray to Allah to listen to your wish. Every parents hope to get a child soon and any delay loosen their hope. So, the best solution is the dua to get pregnant. This helps the woman to conceive a baby in the natural way and a proper way. When you make dua to get pregnant, you get successive results soon and acquire all the happiness in the world. So, take your step ahead, hold your heart and breath and do the dua to get pregnant.

It doesn’t matter whether you get a boy or a girl. What matters is the baby and how soon you get one. The dua to get pregnant blesses you with a loving baby to complete you and your family. Even after miscarriage, you can have equal strength to conceive a baby. Just stay calm and do the dua to get pregnant. The dua to get pregnant is equally beneficial for a boy or girl or twins. So just make an Islāmic dua to get pregnant and get a baby soon in your womb. However, consult a specialist before doing the dua to get pregnant. Stay safe and depend on this natural remedy to get a baby.

Dua to get pregnant with a boy/girl

No matter, whether a boy or a girl, a baby, is a blessing for life. So when you are praying hard to conceive, do it with dua to get pregnant. The dua to get pregnant goes in the following way:

First of all, make a fresh ablution. After that you will also need a clean white paper, unused. On the white paper, write down the verse #31 of the Chapter #13 from the Noble Quran. Write it in the same way as written in the Quran, keeping same distance and pattern of letters. After that, tie that paper with a string or thread to the belly or stomach of the woman. The woman will soon expect a baby and the wish will come true. This is a very simple and very effective dua to get pregnant,which gives the best results. But when you do this dua to get pregnant, consult a specialist and then take your step forward. This Islāmic dua to get pregnant has helped hundreds of women in the best and the most resourceful way. Try this dua to get pregnant and have the best gift of life.

Dua to get pregnant with twins

Becoming parents is the sole dream of every couple. They want to take send the generation and give all their love and care to their baby. While women is expecting, deep down they make a lot of wishes. The dua to get pregnant helps in fulfilling those wishes. Some women want to give birth to twins and for that, you can do the dua to get pregnant. This powerful dua cuts all the obstacles that come in your way to pregnancy and blesses you with twins soon. But when you do the dua to get pregnant, do it a good and pure intention. Many women dream of having baby boy or baby girl, the dua to get pregnant helps with that too. But don’t do this with a negative or bad intention.

Allah blesses the soul which thinks good and positive of everyone. The dua to get pregnant is a natural process and gives you all the happiness of having babies. When you do the dua to get pregnant properly, there are greatest chances that you can have twins as babies. Have patience and trust in Allah and you will soon have babies to fill your life with laughter.

Dua for safe pregnancy/delivery

There are lot complications that occur during the delivery phase of the baby. The female goes through a lot of pain and just prays for the safe delivery. This is possible when you do the dua to get pregnant. When you execute the dua and process effectively, you can expect the woman and child are healthy after delivery. Look at this process of Dua for safe pregnancy/delivery:

“Fallaahoo khaayroon haafiz’awwh waa huwaa arhh’amoor raah’imeein Allaahhu yaa-lamoo maah taah’miloo kullooo unthaah waa maah tagheizz’ull arrh’aammuu waa maah tazzdaadd waa kulloo shaayy-inn indaahhoo bimikqqdaarr”

This is the chapter 98 dua. When you pray for the safe delivery of baby and mother, write this dua exactly on a glass dish. Make sure to write this dua with white saffron. After you write the full dua, wash off the glass dish with clean and pure water. Collect that water and give to the expecting woman to drink. After she drinks this, there will be no complications during the baby birth. The powerful dua has cured problems of so many couples awaiting a child in their life. So, don’t lose hope and pray to Allah, you will get everything.


Love Marriage Rohani Ilaj

Love Marriage Rohani Ilaj

Love Marriage Rohani Ilaj, Rohani is an Urdu word it is derived from the word “Rooh’ which means soul or atma. Ilaj means remedial measures. The word ‘Rohani’ has various implications. It pertains to the soul or its affections as influenced by the spirit. It is controlled and inspired by the divine spirit which is holy, pure, divine and heavenly-minded. It is opposed to carnal, material and incorporeal. Rather, rohani pertains to moral feelings or states of the soul and is distinguished from the external actions that reaches and affects the spirits. From these interpretations of rohani you can observe that it is deep-rooted with love. To love someone is a rohani action. Love is not just an external feature. When you love someone, your spiritual urge is to get him or her permanently, through the social institution of marriage. Thus emerges the importance of rohani ilaj for love marriage.



When you fall ill, you consult a doctor for its cure and remedy which in Urdu term means ‘ilaj’. You want an ilaj to get back your lost physical well-being. But, when you have lost your love, only an expert in rohani ilaj for lost love can prescribe you the proper remedial measures. The rohani ilaj for lost love are   founded not on materialistic but on spiritual features. Love is a ‘two way affair’, and is solely dependent upon the relational behavior of the two persons involved in it. Human action is often unpredictable. The person you love may be affected by some external factors and may discontinue loving as before. You will then be subjected to immense mental and physical torment. But, you can be fully relieved if you resort to rohani ilaj for lost love. There are Islamic ways of treating such maladies.

Youth once lost can never be got back again. But lost can be restored to its original state by tried and trusted means of rohani ilaj for lost love. You have to pursue the wazifa as will be prescribed by the expert Islamic astrologer. Start reading this wazifa from Thursday and read it 300 times after the Eshan Namaaz or night prayer. You may have to continue for a minimum period of 11 days and a maximum of 33 days. InshAllah, you will find your love hankering after you. That is the power of the rohani ilaj for lost love. The Quranic verses will change the heart of your lost love. You can also take up Istikara for getting back your lost love. Read the wazifa 33 times and blow onto a piece of raisin, a loaf of sugar candy or gamet berry (Kishmish).

There is a saying in Urdu; ‘Jab Mian Biwi Raaji, to kya karega kaazi”. Kaazi is a person who performs islamic marriages. The saying means that if the bridegroom and the bride agree to marry, what the kazi can do. A. Kaazi performs the arranged marriages. But love marriage involves social issues. In such case, rohani ilaj for love marriage is the best option for the lovers. There will be no need of kaazi. Just consult an expert Islamic spell performer and follow the rohani ilaj for love marriage as prescribed by him. The rohani wazifa has spiritual power because these are extracted from the holuyQuran. Whatever may be the obstructions, coming on your way marriage, the rohani ilaj for love marriage will fulfill your desire. Not only that. Your marital life will be fully pleasurable and harmonic if you follow the rohani ilaj for love marriage.

Husband-wife relationship is indeed unique. “Kabhi khatta to kabhi mittha”. But, what is the solution if it is always khatta or bitter. There may be various reasons for this. It may be erotic dissatisfaction, misunderstanding, and hot exchange of words, disobedience and extra-marital relationship. Instead of allowing the situation to persist, go in for the rohani ilaj for husband love. Any kind of marital discord has adverse effects on the children as well as on other members of the family. Consult the right marriage expert, the rohani ilaj for husband love will make your husband hen-pecked. You have to recite the Surah-e-Ikhlas for 105 times for 21 days after the Fajar namaz or Eshan or night prayer.. Life becomes bitter and tormenting without the love of husband. Have full faith on rohani ilaj for husband. Your husband will not look, even to the shadow of any other woman.

Marriage is a lifelong bondage. It binds two souls to carry the vehicle of human life.  It is often found that arranged marriages lead to marital discord and even to its breakage. Why? It is due to lack of understanding between each other. But when you have love marriage, you know each other better. Therefore, you can carry on your marital life smoothly. But the social stigma objects to love marriage. If you are encountering such social issues, there is nothing to be disheartened. You can adopt rohani ilaj for love marriage from an expert in this field. Sometimes, love marriage too fails because of reasons beyond your control. In such circumstances also, the rohani ilaj for love marriage brings back harmony and proper understanding. If you are of fair sex, you are much disadvantaged. In such case, you can apply the rohani ilaj for husband love.

Are you a victim of any of the issues such as love marriage, lost love or lost love of husband? If your answer is in the affirmative, you have to resort spiritual remedial measures. You have options before you to give you a spiritual treatment. These are rohani ilaj for love marriage, rohani ilaj for lost love and rohani ilaj for husband love. Adopt any one of these as applicable and lead a peaceful, harmonious and romantic life.